Please note
This unit has been replaced by the updated ‘*NEW* Why does religion look different around the world? (Part 2)’ and will no longer be updated.
Unit outcomes
Pupils who are secure will be able to:
- Give reasons why beliefs vary across a country such as India.
- Recognise some ways Hindu worship is influenced by geography, history and culture.
- Recognise the factors that can influence beliefs.
- Identify differences within stories related to Diwali.
- Explain why there are different artistic representations of Buddha.
- Understand some reasons why there are different Buddhist teachings and practices.
- Give examples of differences within and between worldviews.
- Identify and categorise reasons for diversity.
Lesson 5 explores different Buddhist practices and how they can help fulfil the Buddhist discipline of right mindfulness. During the week, you may wish to invite a member of a local Buddhist centre to your school to support the children’s learning.
Suggested prior learning
Why does religion look different around the world? (Part 1)
Get startedTeacher video: What does religion look like around the world?
You may wish to watch the unit video for Why does religion look different around the world? (Part 1) before teaching this unit.
ARCHIVED – Lesson 1: How can God be linked to a place when he is everywhere?
ARCHIVED – Lesson 2: How can a worldview evolve?
ARCHIVED – Lesson 3: Why are festivals of light important in different worldviews?
ARCHIVED – Lesson 4: Why are there different Buddhist teachings?
ARCHIVED – Lesson 5: Do all Buddhists practise in the same way?
ARCHIVED – Lesson 6: Why does religion look different around the world?
Key skills
- Considering the thoughts, feelings,
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Key knowledge
To know:
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Key vocabulary
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Cross-curricular opportunities
British values: Mutual respect, Tolerance of those with different beliefs.
Computing: Use search technologies effectively, appreciate how results are selected and ranked, and be discerning in evaluating digital content.
English: Writing – spelling, Reading – comprehension, Spoken language.
Geography: Human and physical geography, Geographical skills and fieldwork.
History: A study of an aspect or theme in British history that extends pupils’ chronological knowledge beyond 1066.
RSE: Respectful relationships.