EYFS (Reception)
EYFS Art & Design lessons and teacher guidance to develop pupils' art skills. Designed to meet the EYFS statutory framework and Early Learning Goals for Reception. Age-appropriate and engaging lesson plans and resources. Try now with a free trial.
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Reception units
Exploring mark making through different drawing materials. Beginning to draw from observation using faces and self-portraits as a stimulus.
Lessons: 6
View lessonsExploring paint and painting techniques through nature, music and collaborative work. Developing creativity through child-led exploration of mixed-media, making collages and transient art.
Lessons: 6
View lessonsExploring the sculptural qualities of malleable materials and natural objects; developing the use of tools and joining techniques; designing and making clay animal sculptures.
Lessons: 6
View lessonsDeveloping cutting, threading, joining and folding skills through fun, creative craft projects.
Lessons: 6
View lessonsA craft for each season, including Easter and Christmas.
Lessons: 6
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