Learning objectives
- To explore paint through finger painting.
- To describe the texture and colours as they paint.
- To talk about their work and decide whether it is abstract or figurative.
EYFS outcomes
Physical development
- ELG: Begin to show accuracy and care when drawing.
Expressive arts and design
- Explore, use and refine a variety of artistic effects to express ideas and feelings.
- ELG: Creating with materials: Safely use and explore a variety of materials, tools and techniques, experimenting with colour, design, texture, form and function.
Characteristics of effective learning
- Playing and exploring.
Outcomes taken from Development Matters, 2021.
ELGs taken from the Statutory framework for the EYFS, 2021.
Before the lesson
Teacher notes
Key vocabulary
Prompts for learning
Next steps
To use natural paintbrushes to create child led artwork.
Note any specific next steps for individual pupils.