Art and design: Key Stage 1

Providing full curriculum coverage for KS1 Art and design. This scheme develops pupils' skills and knowledge across four key areas: Drawing, Painting and mixed media, Sculpture and 3D and Craft and design.

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In Key stage 1, children develop their knowledge and skills across four key areas: Drawing, Painting and mixed media, Sculpture and 3D and Craft and design. Lessons build on their experiences in EYFS, introducing new techniques, a focus on developing their own ideas and increased opportunities to reflect on their own work whilst learning about a range of artists.

Year 1

Drawing: Make your mark

Exploring mark making and line; working and experimenting with different materials through observational and collaborative pieces.



Painting and mixed media: Colour splash

Exploring colour mixing through paint play, using a range of tools to paint on different surfaces and creating paintings inspired by Clarice Cliff and Jasper Johns.

Sculpture and 3D: Paper play

Creating simple three dimensional shapes and structures using familiar materials, children develop skills in manipulating paper and card. They fold, roll and scrunch materials to make their own sculptures.

This unit contains three brand new lessons and two existing Kapow Primary lessons.

Craft and design: Woven wonders

Learning fibre art skills such as plaiting, threading, knotting and weaving to create three-dimensional woven artworks inspired by artist Cecilia Vicuña.

Year 2

Drawing: Tell a story

Using storybook illustration as a stimulus, children develop their mark-making to explore a wider range of tools and experiment with creating texture to add detail to drawings.

Painting and mixed media: Life in colour

Developing colour mixing skills, learning about the work of artist Romare Bearden and creating textured papers using paint, children compose collages inspired by their exploration of colour and texture in the world around them.

Sculpture and 3D: Clay houses

Exploring the way clay can be shaped and joined, children learn a range of essential skills for working with this medium. They learn about the sculpture of Rachel Whiteread and create their own clay house tile in response.

Craft and design: Map it out

Responding to a design brief, children learn three techniques for working creatively with materials and at the end of the project, evaluate their design ideas.

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