Sculpture and 3D: Clay houses
This unit focuses on teaching pupils to shape and decorate clay, create a pinch pot, design and make a clay tile with house features. It emphasises practical skills in working with clay and applying artistic techniques in a structured project. Use this unit hub to inform your medium-term plan and to navigate to related resources.
- Subjects >
- Art and design >
- Key stage 1 >
- Year 2 >
Sculpture and 3D: Clay houses
Unit outcomes
Pupils who are secure will be able to:
- Flatten and smooth their clay, rolling shapes successfully and making a range of marks in their clay.
- Make a basic pinch pot and join at least one clay shape onto the side using the scoring and slipping technique.
- Roll a smooth tile surface.
- Join clay shapes and make marks in the tile surface to create a pattern.
- Draw a house design and plan how to create the key features in clay.
- Create a clay house tile that has recognisable features made by both impressing objects into the surface and by joining simple shapes.
Suggested prior learning
Sculpture and 3D: Paper play
Get startedLessons
Lesson 1: Exploring clay
- To use my hands as a tool to shape clay.
Lesson 2: Pinch pots
- To shape a pinch pot and join clay shapes as decoration.
Lesson 3: Applying skills in clay
- To use impressing and joining techniques to decorate a clay tile.
Lesson 4: Designing a tile
- To use drawing to plan the features of a 3D model.
Lesson 5: House tiles
- To make a 3D clay tile from a drawn design.
Key skills
Key knowledge
Related content
Unit resources
Cross-curricular opportunities
Design and technology: Design, Make