Learning objective

  • To investigate maps as a stimulus for drawing.

Success criteria

  • I can sort images into groups and explain

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National curriculum

Art and design

Pupils should be


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Before the lesson


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Lesson plan

Recap and recall

Before starting this unit, you might want to check that children can recall: They can explore their own ideas using a range of media. They can make choices about which materials to use to create an effect. To explore and analyse a wider variety of ways to join and fix materials in place. They can…


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Adaptive teaching

Pupils needing extra support

May benefit from working with adult support during the paired grouping task, or by working with a more confident partner; may find it helpful to hear other pair’s ideas for how images have been sorted, as a model for how to explain their own criteria; would benefit from talking through what they could include on their map, listing a few things to draw before starting to help stay focussed.

Pupils working at greater depth 

Should be able to explain their image groupings in detail; encourage them to justify ideas, e.g. How do you know it is an old map?; could use a drawing medium that is more challenging for them, or combine several materials to achieve a range of effects.


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Assessing progress and understanding

Pupils with secure understanding indicated by: able to explain their


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Vocabulary definitions

  • imaginary

    Something that is not real but imagined in your mind.

  • inspired

    Feeling very interested and excited by something you have seen.


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