Ancient Egyptian scrolls

This unit focuses on exploring and creating Ancient Egyptian art, guiding pupils in understanding and applying the styles, patterns, and techniques of Ancient Egyptian art through lessons that include designing scrolls, making paper, and creating contemporary responses using zines. Use this unit hub to inform your medium-term plan and to navigate to related resources.

Lesson plans

Lesson 1: Exploring Ancient Egyptian art

  • To investigate the style, pattern and characteristics of Ancient Egyptian art.

Lesson 2: Designing scrolls

  • To apply design skills inspired by the style of an ancient civilisation.

Lesson 3: Making paper

  • To apply understanding of ancient techniques to construct a new material.

Lesson 4: Scroll making

  • To apply drawing and painting skills in the style of an ancient civilisation.

Lesson 5: Making zines

  • To apply an understanding of Egyptian art to develop a contemporary response.

Key skills

Generating ideas:


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Key knowledge

Formal elements:

  • Pattern: Lock

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Key vocabulary




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Related content

Art and design

Knowledge organiser: Art & design – Y3 Craft and design

A summary document to consolidate pupils' learning in the Y3 Craft and design: Ancient Egyptian scrolls unit.

Art and design

Vocabulary display: Ancient Egyptian scrolls

A display version of the key vocabulary from the Ancient Egyptian scrolls unit.

Subject resources


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