Drawing: Power prints
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Drawing: Power prints
Unit outcomes
Pupils who are secure will be able to:
- Create several pencil tones when shading and create a simple 3D effect.
- Explore the effect of holding a pencil in different ways and applying different pressures.
- Use charcoal and rubber to show areas of light and dark in their drawings.
- Demonstrate an awareness of the relative size of the objects they draw.
- Use scissors with care and purpose to cut out images.
- Try out multiple arrangements of cut images to decide on their composition.
- Use different tools to create marks and patterns when scratching into a painted surface.
- Show some awareness of how to create contrast by including areas with more and less marks.
- Create an interesting finished drawing based on their original composition, including detail such as contrast and pattern.
- Work co-operatively to create a joint artwork, experimenting with their methods.
Suggested prior learning
Drawing: Growing artists
Get startedLessons
Lesson 1: 3D pencil drawings
- To draw using tone to create a 3D effect.
Lesson 2: Sense of proportion
- To explore proportion and tone when drawing.
Lesson 3: Drawing with scissors
- To plan a composition for a mixed-media drawing.
Lesson 4: Wax resist
- To use shading techniques to create pattern and contrast.
Lesson 5: Power prints
- To work collaboratively to develop drawings into prints.
Key skills
Key knowledge
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