Learning objective

  • To use more complex techniques to shape materials.

Success criteria

  • I can draw a simple design for a

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National curriculum

Art and design

Pupils should be


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Before the lesson


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Lesson plan

Recap and recall

Ask the children to recap some of the key features of Magdalene Odundo’s work. Answers may include: She likes to use organic shapes that are curved, smooth and natural. She describes her clay work as vessels and is interested in them having an inside and an outside, like a body. She enjoys working with clay.


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Adaptive teaching

Pupils needing extra support

Could cut out their designs, placing the drawing on the soap and then ‘drawing’ the outline design onto the soap by carving lightly in pencil; should have help with selecting the appropriate tools; should watch the video and teacher visual demos carefully; could have spare bars of soap to use as practice pieces.

Pupils working at greater depth

Could advise other children on which tool to choose for particular marks; could strive for a really finished piece by either smoothing the surface of their sculpture or by adding details or texture with the various tools; should adapt their ideas as they work if they encounter any problems with their designs.


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Assessing progress and understanding

Pupils with secure understanding indicated by: drawing a simple design, showing they


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  • abstract

    Art where the subject doesn't necessarily look like it does in real life.

  • carving

    Using tools to shape a material into a sculpture.


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Susan Coles

Art and design specialist

Susan Coles selfie
Susan is an educator, artist and an active advocate and well-known champion of art craft and design education. Her roles include: Secretary to the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Art, Craft, Design Education, Past President, and now Honorary Fellow of the National Society for…
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Maintained by: Kapow Primary team

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