Learning objective
- To understand starting points in a design process.
Success criteria
- I can describe
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National curriculum
Art and design
Pupils should be
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Cross-curricular links
Place knowledge:
Pupils should
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Before the lesson
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Lesson plan
Recap and recall
Before starting this unit you might want to check children can recall: How to use a sketchbook to research a subject using different techniques and materials to present ideas. How to produce and select an effective final design. How to use of a range of materials and tools, selecting and using these appropriately with more…
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Extended-mode explainer videos
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Extended-mode explainer video: For Mac
Extended-mode explainer video: For Windows
Adaptive teaching
Pupils needing extra support
Can trace the images to form an outline and work on this with colour and detail; can be provided with a range of drawing materials so they can choose something they feel comfortable with.
Pupils working at greater depth
Should be encouraged to focus on drawing sections and textures rather than whole objects; can look through sketchbooks to recall previous drawing work; should be encouraged to experiment with mark making to express textures.
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Assessing progress and understanding
Pupils with secure understanding indicated by: describing objects, images and
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Vocabulary definitions
colour palette
A range of colours grouped together to look nice.
A decorative pattern or drawing of what something might look like.
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In this unit
Assessment - Art and design Y4: Craft and design
Lesson 1: Inspired by the rainforest
Lesson 2: One picture, four views
Lesson 3: Creating patterns
Lesson 4: Repeating patterns
Lesson 5: Fabric design