Learning objective

  • To test and develop ideas using sketchbooks.

Success criteria

  • I can generate ideas about the future.
  • I can

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National curriculum

Art and design

Pupils should be


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Before the lesson


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Lesson plan

Recap and recall

Arrange the children in pairs and ask them to look at ‘Moonwalk’ from Teis Albers. The children need to tell their partner what materials or techniques they would use if they had to recreate the image. Responses could be: Knowledge of the formal elements in the children’s responses, e.g. colour, form, shape, line, tone, texture…


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Adaptive teaching

Pupils needing extra support

Could provide some printed images of futuristic items, like cars, robots and buildings when generating ideas, can choose from these to stick in sketchbooks; could encourage them to make some of their own drawings, using these images to copy from as a basis for ideas; could trace the images (the impression from tracing is often light enough to allow children to build their own drawings on top).

Pupils working at greater depth

Could ask the children to add to their visual notes their ideas about what their image could be used for. (Could it be a poster to promote a cause or product? Could it be the cover of a book or music album? Could there be text included, and what could this be?)


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Assessing progress and understanding

Pupils with secure understanding indicated by: creating a selection of drawings and


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Vocabulary definitions

  • collagraph

    A collage of materials of various textures glued on to a printing plate, often a thin A collage of materials of various textures glued on to a printing plate, often a thin wood or cardboard.or cardboard.

  • collagraphy

    A collage of materials of various textures glued on to a printing plate, often a thin wood or cardboard.


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