Painting & mixed media: Artist study

This unit focuses on understanding narratives and descriptive language in art, exploring meanings behind paintings, and developing personal interpretations and abstract art pieces based on selected artists. Lessons explore creative expression, analysis, and evaluation skills in art, catering to upper Key Stage 2 pupils.Use this unit hub to inform your medium-term plan and to navigate to related resources.


Multiple options
Option 1
Option 2
Lesson 1: David Hockney – Option 1
  • To understand how to analyse a famous painting.
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Lesson 1: Richard Brakenburg – Option 2
  • To understand how to analyse a painting.
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Lesson 2: Paula Rego – The Dance

  • To understand how to find meaning in painting.

Lesson 3: John Singer Sargent – The Front Line

  • To apply drama techniques to explore the meaning of a painting.
Multiple options
Option 1
Option 2
Lesson 4: Fiona Rae – Option 1
  • To apply interpretation skills to analyse and respond to an abstract painting.
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Lesson 4: Frank Bowling – Option 2
  • To apply interpretation skills to analyse and respond to an abstract painting.
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Lesson 5: Lubaina Himid

  • To understand how art can tell stories or portray messages.

Lesson 6: Research and planning

  • To develop starting points for creative outcomes.

Lesson 7: Making art!

  • To demonstrate an understanding of painting techniques to make personal choices.

Key skills

Generating ideas:

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Key knowledge

Formal elements:

  • Colour:

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Key vocabulary



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Unit resources

Assessment – Art and design Y6: Painting and mixed media

Assessment resources for this unit. Use

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Knowledge organiser

A pupil-facing summary document, capturing the

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Key vocabulary

A display version of the key

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Subject resources

Art and design: Long-term plans

A suggested order for teaching Art

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National curriculum mapping

This document maps the National curriculum

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A spreadsheet for recording teacher assessments

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Key vocabulary

This document lists the new vocabulary

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Equipment list

A checklist of art equipment required

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Art and design – List of artists

This document lists the artists studied

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