Learning objective
- To decide which information is safe to share online.
Success criteria
- I can explain what online information is.
- I can explain what information is safe to share online.
- I can recognise that information shared online stays there forever.
- I can identify who to talk to if something is shared that makes me feel sad or worried.
National curriculum
Pupils should be taught to:
- Use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly; recognise acceptable/unacceptable behaviour.
- Identify a range of ways to report concerns about content and contact.
Cross-curricular links
Pupils should know:
- That people sometimes behave differently online, including by pretending to be someone they are not.
- That the same principles apply to online relationships as to face-to-face relationships, including the importance of respect for others online including when we are anonymous.
- The rules and principles for keeping safe online, how to recognise risks, harmful content and contact, and how to report them.
- How to critically consider their online friendships and sources of information including awareness of the risks associated with people they have never met.
- How information and data is shared and used online.
See RSE Statutory guidance – contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0.
Education for a Connected World
Online reputation
- I can explain how information put online about someone can last for a long time.
- I can describe how anyone’s online information could be seen by others.
- I know who to talk to if something has been put online without consent or if it is incorrect.
Before the lesson
- Presentation: What happens when I post online?
- Presentation: Is it safe to share?
- Presentation: What should you do?
- A copy of The Three Little Pigs story to be shared with the class.
- Whiteboard and pen (one between two).
- Link: Assessment- Computing Y2: Online safety (optional – see Attention grabber).
Lesson plan
1: Recap and recall
Before starting this unit, you might want to check the children can recall:
- How they can keep themselves safe online.
- Who to go to if something upsets or worries them online.
2: Attention grabber
Display slide 1 of the Presentation: What happens when I post online? and ask the children to discuss the meaning of the words ‘online’ and ‘offline’.
Presentation: What happens when I post online?
Display slide 2 and share the meaning of ‘online’ and ‘offline’ with the children. Allow time for class discussion about the keywords.
Share slide 3 which shows images of different activities. Ask the children to discuss whether each activity is an online or offline activity with their partner. After paired discussion, ask for volunteers to share their ideas about each activity and whether it is an online or offline activity.
- Exploring nature: offline.
- Working on an iPad: online.
- Video call: online.
- Role play: offline.
- Playing with building blocks: offline.
Display slide 4 and ask the children:
- Which activities can be done both online and offline? (Children may suggest: reading a real book and reading a book online, playing a board game and playing a game online.)
Optional – provide each child with a copy of the Knowledge catcher (see link: Assessment – Computing Y2: Online safety) and ask them to complete it to the best of their ability. Explain that at the end of the unit, they will revisit it, adding more information in a different colour.
3: Main event
Hand out whiteboards and pens (one each) and ask the children to write down three pieces of information about themselves which are personal. These may include their name, address or birthday.
Explain to the children that personal information is not just what we know about ourselves in our heads, but also what can be found about us online. Sharing too much online can be unsafe, so we always need to be careful about what we choose to share and where.
Display slide 5 and ask the children:
- Where might we find personal information online? (Social media accounts and search engines.)
- Who can see personal information online? (Anyone can see it unless privacy settings have been used. Explain that even with privacy settings, some people will be able to access the information.)
- How does personal information get online? (It can be shared directly by someone or it could come from friends, family or even people they do not know. For example, a picture from a theme park may be shared, which could have one of the children in the background.)
Display the question on slide 6 and allow time for paired discussion:
- How long does online information stay online? (Children may suggest: forever, until it gets old, until it is deleted.)
Explain to the children that information posted online will be there forever. Inform them that the internet began in 1991 (over 30 years ago) and any information from then will still be online now.
Share slide 7 and ask the children to think about the following questions:
- What information about you is online? (Children may suggest photos of them on their parents’ social media accounts or on a school website.)
- What is the oldest piece of information about you online? (Children may suggest photos from when they were a baby.)
Discuss the children’s answers and explain that their first online piece of information may be the day they were born if this was posted online. Discuss with the children how this makes them feel.
Display slide 1 of the Presentation: Is it safe to share? and recap the story of The Three Little Pigs. You could also read the story if the book is available.
Presentation: Is it safe to share?
Explain that the pigs and their mum shared some information online during the building of their new homes.
Share the scenarios on slides 2-7 with the class. In pairs, ask the children to consider each scenario and think about whether it was safe to share that information online. Take feedback as a class before sharing the answers using the Resource: Scenario answers (one teacher copy).
Arrange the children into groups of three and hand out the Activity: John’s scenarios – is it safe to share? (pre-cut, one set between three).
Ask the groups to read each scenario and discuss the shared information before sorting and sticking the scenario cards onto the Resource: Is it safe to share? Children can annotate the scenarios as to why it is safe or not safe to share. This can be stuck into the children’s books if they are available.
Once the children have completed the activity, use the Resource: Scenario answers to share answers and lead class discussions about each scenario.
4: Wrapping up
Point out that online information can sometimes be inaccurate or shared without a persons permission. Hand out a whiteboard and pen to each pair and ask them to write down their thoughts on the following question:
- If you find information about you online which is inaccurate or shared without your permission, what should you do? (Children may suggest talking to a trusted adult.)
Point out that speaking to a trusted adult is a good first step.
Ask the children to write the names of three trusted adults on their whiteboard. They may have the the same trusted adults as their partner or they may think of different people.
Share ideas as a class.
Pupil video: Online safety rap
Optional: play Pupil video: Online safety rap to recap key online safety terms and concepts.
Extended-mode explainer videos
How to extend your display to view the lesson page and preseantion mode simultaneously. Choose your operating system below to watch the video
If you need further support with extending your display,
please contact [email protected].
Extended-mode explainer video: For Mac
Extended-mode explainer video: For Windows
Adaptive teaching
Pupils needing extra support
Should sort the Activity: The Three Little Pigs scenarios.
Pupils working at greater depth
Could create scenarios based on the story of Little Red Riding Hood; could identify what information would be safe for Little Red Riding Hood to post online during her trip to Grandma’s house and what information would not be safe to post.
Assessing progress and understanding
Pupils with secure understanding indicated by: explaining what is meant by online information; classifying information as ‘safe to share’ and ‘not safe to share’; identifying trusted adults.
Pupils working at greater depth indicated by: explaining that we can keep ourselves safe online by controlling how much detail we share in our posts (for example, sharing a picture of the skatepark is safe for John, but tagging the location is sharing too much information); sharing ideas about permissions and consent.
Vocabulary definitions
Agreeing to something knowingly.
Using a computer that is not connected to others.
Using a computer that is connected to others and can access the world wide web.
Being allowed to do something.
personal information
Information that is personal to you e.g. your name, age, where you live.
sharing online
Sharing content (music, photos, videos or information) online.
trusted adult
An adult who you know well and takes care of you.
In this unit
Assessment - Computing Y2: Online safety
Lesson 1: What happens when I post online?
Lesson 2: How do I keep my things safe online?
Lesson 3: It's my choice
Lesson 4: Is it true?