Learning objective

  • To explore programming in games.

Success criteria

  • I can break a task down into smaller steps to solve a problem.
  • I can ignore details and focus on the important parts of a game.
  • I can give examples of instructions used in a game.

National curriculum


Pupils should be taught to:

  • Understand what algorithms are; how they are implemented as programs on digital devices; and that programs execute by following precise and unambiguous instructions.
  • Use logical reasoning to predict the behaviour of simple programs.
  • Recognise common uses of information technology beyond school.

See National curriculum - Computing - Key stages 1 and 2.

Before the lesson

Resource: Knowledge organiser: Computing - MakeCode (optional - one between two).
Resource: Key vocabulary (optional - one class set for display).

Lesson plan

1: Recap and recall

Before starting this unit, check that the children can recall:

  • An algorithm is a clear set of instructions to carry out a task.
  • Problems can be broken down into smaller chunks.
  • Computers use algorithms to make predictions (machine learning).
  • A loop repeats a set of instructions.

2: Attention grabber

Optional: provide each child with a copy of the Knowledge catcher (see link: Assessment: Computing Y2: Makecode) and ask them to complete it to the best of their ability. Explain that at the end of the unit, they will revisit it, adding more information in a different colour.

Ask the children:

  • What is programming? (The children may suggest that it is telling a computer what to do, giving instructions to a robot or making a game work.)
  • Where do we use this in our everyday lives? (The children may suggest online games, tablets, phones, TVs or toys.)

Explain to the children that video games, mobile phones, websites and apps are all created using programming. Point out that programming involves giving instructions to computers or phones to carry out tasks, like showing pictures or playing videos. Highlight that people write these instructions to make games and apps work the way they do.

Display slide 1 of the Presentation: Escape from the maze!

Presentation: Escape from the maze

Hand out whiteboards and pens (one each) and explain to the children that they will plan a route to help the character out of the maze. Inform them that they should draw arrows on the whiteboard to show the sequence of directions.

Show slide 2 and explain to the children that they used their computational thinking skills during this activity by breaking down the maze problem into smaller steps (decomposition). They also ignored unnecessary detail, focusing only on finding the way out (abstraction).

3: Main event

Explain to the children that they will focus on two computational thinking skills today:

  • Breaking things down into smaller steps  (decomposition).
  • Ignoring unnecessary detail, focusing only on the key information (abstraction).

Discuss how and when they used these skills while they helped the character escape the maze. Inform them that they will now use these skills by tinkering with code.

Open the link: Rodocodo - Code hour, scroll down and select ‘play’ and then click ‘part 1 ages 4-7’ (see Teacher knowledge). Demonstrate how to play the game. Ask the children to help by making suggestions. Explain that programming this game involves giving instructions to the computer to do what we want it to. Inform them that this is the same when using a computer or device.

Hand out the devices (one each) and share the link: Rodocodo - Code hour. Allow the children to explore the game.

Stop at various times throughout the lesson to check in with the children. Use these moments to discuss and highlight the key skills they are using—creating algorithms that give clear and precise instructions. This reflection will support their understanding of the importance of these skills and help them see how they are applying them.

4: Wrapping up

Ask the children to reflect on the games they played:

  • What did the game look like? (The children may suggest that it looked like a puzzle where they had to piece bits together; it was a line of instructions.)
  • What part was the code? (The blocks which gave the instructions.)
  • What computational thinking skills did you use? (The children may suggest breaking the problem down into small steps.)
  • How did these help you solve problems? (The children may share that they did a step at a time or noticed a pattern.)

Explain that different programs use different programming languages or codes, pointing out that the game they tinkered with today uses a block coding system, like a puzzle where the pieces fit together to create instructions for the computer.

Open the link: Rodocodo - Code hour and play the game. Identify and discuss the computational thinking skills used while playing the game. Explain to the children how these skills not only help them succeed in the game but are also important in solving problems and making decisions in everyday life.

Ask the children to name some scenarios in which they problem-solve in everyday life. Take feedback and display the Presentation: Everyday problem solving.

Presentation: Everyday problem solving.

Go through each image with the children and compare the skills to those of playing the game.

  • Solving a puzzle: when putting together a jigsaw puzzle, computational thinking is used to determine where each piece goes based on its shape and the picture.
  • Getting ready for school: planning what to do first, such as brushing teeth before putting on a uniform, creates an algorithm for a morning routine.
  • Organising toys: deciding how to sort toys into different boxes (for example, putting all the cars in one box and the dolls in another) is using computational thinking to sort items.
  • Playing a board game: following the rules and deciding the best moves is similar to using computational thinking to follow instructions and solve problems to win.

Adaptive teaching

Pupils needing support

Should verbalise the instructions they are giving to the computer (e.g. if they are using a forward arrow, they should say ‘go forward 1 square’); could use a whiteboard to record and remember each step as they gradually build their algorithm and test it frequently.

Pupils working at greater depth

Should explain how each step contributes to solving a problem; could record each step they make using arrows on a whiteboard.

Assessing progress and understanding

Pupils with secure understanding indicated by: recognising the smaller steps needed to solve a problem within a game; observing their ability to focus on the important parts of a game without being distracted by the irrelevant details; describing simple tasks in games where programming is used.

Pupils working at greater depth indicated by: explaining how each step contributes to solving a problem; evaluating their ability to maintain focus on the important parts of a game; identifying and discussing examples of programming in different games.

Vocabulary definitions

  • algorithm

    A set of steps to solve a problem or complete a task.

  • block coding

    Creating code using visual blocks that fit together like a puzzle.

  • coding

    Writing instructions that tell a computer what to do.

  • sequence

    Putting steps in the correct order.

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