Computing: Lower Key Stage 2
Lesson plans, resources and teacher videos for lower KS2. Including teacher CPD to help you teach Computing with confidence!
Useful resources for teaching Computing
Useful resources for teaching Computing
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Year 3
Introduction to the concept of networks, learning how devices communicate. From identifying components, learn how information is shared and deepen this understanding by exploring examples of real-world networks
Lessons: 5
View lessonsUsing loops to program an animation, a story and a game in Scratch, this unit provides new lessons, teacher skills videos and pupil videos that support confident coding in the classroom.
Lessons: 5
View lessonsLearning how to send and edit emails, add attachments and how to be a responsible digital citizen by thinking about the contents of what is sent.
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Lessons: 2
View lessonsAssuming the role of computer parts and creating paper versions of computers helps to consolidate an understanding of how a computer works, as well as identifying similarities and differences between various models.
Lessons: 5
View lessonsDeveloping filming and editing video skills through the storyboarding and creation of book trailers.
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Lessons: 2
View lessonsBy learning about records, fields and data, the children further explore the concepts of sorting and filtering.
Lessons: 5
View lessonsLearning about online safety: ‘fake news’, privacy settings, ways to deal with upsetting online content, protecting our personal information on social media.
Lessons: 5
View lessonsYear 4
Working collaboratively in a responsible and considerate way as well as looking at a range of collaborative tools.
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Lessons: 2
View lessonsCreating a simple script in Scratch, using decomposition and understanding what variables are, this unit provides new lessons, teacher skills videos and pupil videos that support confident coding in the classroom.
Lessons: 5
View lessonsDeveloping their research, word processing, and collaborative working skills whilst learning how web pages and web sites are created, exploring how to change layouts, embed images and videos and link between pages.
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Lessons: 2
View lessonsEditing the HTML of a web page to change the layout of a website and the text and images.
Lessons: 5
View lessonsDeveloping the four areas of computational thinking through a range of plugged and unplugged activities.
Lessons: 5
View lessonsResearching and storing data using spreadsheets, designing a weather station which gathers and records data and learning how weather forecasts are made. Children use tablets or digital cameras to present a weather forecast.
Lessons: 5
View lessonsLearning how to navigate the internet in an informed, safe and respectful way.
Lessons: 5
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