Video trailers 1: Using devices other than iPads
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- Creating media: Video trailers (Previously called ‘Digital literacy’) >
Video trailers – Option 1: Using devices other than iPads
Unit outcomes
Pupils who are secure will be able to:
- Describe the purpose of a trailer.
- Create a storyboard for a book trailer.
- Consider camera angles when taking photos or videos.
- Import videos and photos into film editing software.
- Record sounds and add these to a video.
- Add text to a video.
- Incorporate transitions between images.
- Evaluate their own and others’ trailers.
Suggested prior learning
Stop motion – Option 1: Using tablets
There are alternative options available for this unit.
Lesson 1: Planning a book trailer
- To plan a book trailer.
Lesson 2: Filming
- To take photos or videos that tell a story.
Lesson 3: Editing the trailer
- To edit a video.
Lesson 4: Transitions and text
- To add text and transitions to a video.
Lesson 5: Video review
- To evaluate video editing.
Related content
Unit resources
Cross-curricular opportunities
Reading – comprehension
Writing – composition
Suggested next steps
Google: Creating media: Website design
There are alternative options available for this unit.