Programming: Scratch

Learning to use loops to program an animation, a story and a game in Scratch.

Please note

Scratch is a project of the Scratch Foundation in collaboration with the Lifelong Kindergarten Group at the MIT Media Lab. It is available for free at

Teacher video: Introduction to Scratch

A guide for getting started and first steps in Scratch - a block coding platform designed to simplify how to learn to code.

Pupil video: Scratchy rap

Use our rap to help children remember key coding terms and concepts.

Teacher coding skills videos

A comprehensive range of coding skills videos which explain and demonstrate key coding concepts. These videos are designed to both guide and support teachers who find the programming component of the computing curriculum challenging, whilst also acting as a refresher for those more confident in their subject knowledge.
Teaching coding
Understanding Scratch blocks
What are algorithms?
Understanding Repetition and Loops
Understanding variables in coding
Understanding Debugging in Coding
Understanding computational thinking
Computing vocabulary: A video dictionary

Lesson plans

Lesson 1: Tinkering with Scratch

  • To explore a programming application.

Lesson 2: Using loops

  • To use repetition (a loop) in a program.

Lesson 3: Making an animation

  • To program an animation.

Lesson 4: Storytelling

  • To program a story.

Lesson 5: Programming a game

  • To program a game.

Key skills

  • Using decomposition

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Key knowledge

To know:

  • Lock

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Key vocabulary




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Related content


Knowledge Organiser: Computing – Y3 Programming with Scratch

Aimed at pupils, a single page which gives key facts and definitions from the unit.


Computing – Coding skills videos

A comprehensive range of coding skills videos which explain and demonstrate key coding concepts.


Vocabulary display – Computing Y3: Programming – Scratch

A display version of the key vocabulary from the Y3 Programming Scratch unit.

Subject resources


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