Learning objective
- To understand how we communicate with technology.
Success criteria
- I can discuss
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National curriculum
Pupils should be
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Cross-curricular links
Writing – composition
Pupils should be
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Before the lesson
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Lesson plan
Recap and recall
Questions What is a computer network? (A group or system of interconnected devices.) What is a router? (A device that provides internet access to a network.) What is ‘The Cloud’? (Data and files are stored and accessed on servers via the internet.) How do most households access the internet? (Via a phone line.)
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Extended-mode explainer videos
How to extend your display to view the lesson page and preseantion mode simultaneously. Choose your operating system below to watch the video
If you need further support with extending your display,
please contact [email protected].
Extended-mode explainer video: For Mac
Extended-mode explainer video: For Windows
Pupils needing extra support
Should use the Resource: Email model for support.
Pupils working at greater depth
Should think about the language and tone of voice depending on the recipient.
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Assessing progress and understanding
Pupils with secure understanding indicated by: taking part in discussions
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Vocabulary definitions
How we talk with others and share our thoughts.
Electronic mail which allows people to send messages and files from one account to another over a network.
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In this unit
Assessment - Computing Y3: Emailing
Lesson 1: Communicating with technology
Lesson 2: Sending an email
Lesson 3: Adding attachments
Lesson 4: Be kind online
Lesson 5: Fake emails