Google: Creating media: Website design
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- Creating media: Website design >
Google: Creating media: Website design
Unit outcomes
Pupils who are secure will be able to:
- Use most of the tabs (e.g. insert, pages, themes) on Google Sites on their website.
- Create a clear plan for their web page and begin to create it.
- Create a professional looking web page with useful information and a clear style, which is easy for the user to read and find information from.
- Create a clear plan by referring back to their checklist.
- Create four web pages with a range of features on their website.
Suggested prior learning
Google: Computing systems and networks: Collaborative learning
If your school does not have access to Google, there is also a Microsoft version of this unit.
Lesson 1: Getting to know Google Sites
- To explore the features of Google Sites.
Lesson 2: Book review webpage
- To plan content for a collaborative webpage.
Lesson 3: Creating a webpage
- To create a webpage as part of a collaborative class website.
Lesson 4: Planning my website
- To plan and create a website.
Lesson 5: Creating my website
- To create and evaluate a website.
Key skills
Key knowledge
Related content
Unit resources
Cross-curricular opportunities
RSE: Online Relationships – keeping safe, recognise risks and how to report. How information and data is shared and used online.
English: Reading – comprehension. Discussions about books – taking turns and listening to what others say.
English: Writing – composition. Organisational devices, learning from writing examples and peer assessment.