Learning objective

  • To understand how weather forecasts are made.

Success criteria

  • I can recognise how weather is predicted.
  • I can

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National curriculum


Pupils should be taught to:

  • Use

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Before the lesson


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Lesson plan

Recap and recall

Hand out whiteboards and pens (one each) and display the Presentation: Anagrams. Allow time for the children to complete the activity.


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Adaptive teaching

Pupils needing extra support

Should work with a partner and focus on finding the relevant information on websites and putting it in the spreadsheet.

Pupils working at greater depth

Should explain in detail how information from satellites and ground stations leads to weather forecasts as well as how collaboration between forecasters could impact the accuracy of predictions.


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Assessing progress and understanding

Pupils with secure understanding indicated by: searching for and recording weather forecast


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Vocabulary definitions

  • heat sensor

    A device that detects and measures the amount of heat or temperature in an area.

  • satellite

    An object sent into space that orbits around a planet, gathering information or providing communication services.


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Richard Williams

Computing specialist

Image Specialists 6
Richard is a Year 6 Teacher at St. Pancras Primary School. Richard’s passion for teaching was recognised when he received Suffolk’s ‘Raising The Bar’ award for Innovation 2016. With his class he made the world’s first guided VR:360 school tour and also a…
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Image Specialists 6

Maintained by: Kapow Primary team

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