Online safety: Year 5
Exploring online communication, protecting personal information with strong passwords and offering advice to combat the negative effects of online use.
- Subjects >
- Computing >
- Upper key stage 2 >
- Year 5 >
Online safety: Year 5
Unit outcomes
Pupils who are secure will be able to:
- Understand that passwords need to be strong and that apps require some form of password.
- Recognise some types of online communication and know who to go to if they need help with any communication matters online.
- Search for simple information about a person, such as their birthday or key life moments.
- Know what bullying is and that it can occur both online and in the real world.
- Recognise when health and well-being are being affected in either a positive or negative way through online use.
- Offer some advice and tips to combat the negative effects of online use.
Suggested prior learning
Online safety: Year 4
Get startedLessons
Lesson 1: Online protection
- To understand how apps can access personal information and how to alter the permissions.
Lesson 2: Online communication
- To be aware of the positive and negative aspects of online communication.
Lesson 3: Online reputation
- To understand how online information can be used to form judgements.
Lesson 4: Online bullying
- To discover ways to overcome bullying.
Lesson 5: Online health
- To understand how technology can affect health and wellbeing.
Key skills
Key knowledge
Related content
Unit resources
Other links
Education for a Connected World – Privacy and security; Health, well-being and lifestyle; Online relationships; Online bullying; and Online reputation.