Online safety: Year 6

Learning how to navigate the internet in an informed, safe and respectful way.


Lesson 1: Life online

  • To describe online issues that give us negative feelings and know how to get help.

Lesson 2: Sharing online

  • To explore the impact and consequences of sharing online.

Lesson 3: Creating a positive online reputation

  • To know how to create a positive online reputation.

Lesson 4: Capturing evidence

  • To describe how to capture bullying content as evidence.

Lesson 5: Password protection

  •  To manage personal passwords effectively.

Lesson 6: Think before you click

  • To be aware of strategies that help protect people online.

Key skills

  • Learning about the positive

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Key knowledge

To know:

  • A digital footprint

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Key vocabulary



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Unit resources

Assessment Computing Y6: Online safety

Assessment resources for this unit. Use

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Knowledge organiser

Aimed at pupils, a single page

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Key vocabulary

A display version of the key

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Subject resources

Computing: Long-term plans

A suggested order for teaching Computing

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Curriculum planning Knowledge and skills progression

Progression document showing how skills and

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Curriculum planning Knowledge and skills progression

Outlining the key skills and knowledge

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Key vocabulary

Vocabulary document that shows key vocabulary

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Spreadsheet for Kapow Primary's Computing scheme

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Computing: Equipment & resource lists

A list of the resources, hardware

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