• Scheme of work for Years R-6
  • Complete National curriculum coverage
  • 100+ lesson plans, adaptable to different topics
  • Teacher and pupil demonstration videos
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Welcome to Design and technology

This video shows how our scheme builds teacher confidence with step-by-step guidance and engaging pupil videos. Support your class in designing, making, and evaluating with confidence.

Discover our D&T scheme of work

Our approach

  • Authored by primary D&T specialists.
  • A full scheme of work, easily adaptable to your teaching needs, time and resources.
  • Clear progression of learning throughout KS1 and KS2.
  • Relevant cross-curricular opportunities.
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D&T Subject leader?

Discover free resources designed to support leaders in their roles. It includes pupil voice surveys, teacher knowledge audits to identify professional learning gaps, and subject audits for Ofsted readiness, among other valuable tools, ensuring you feel well-prepared and supported.

Download now!
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Reduce costs

Read our ‘Bring real-world production methods to your class and take control of resources and costs’ blog post to learn how you can use real life production methods to deliver lessons with a difference! This is also a great way to get pupils working as a team.

View all D&T blogs
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Facebook community group

For inspiration and support for D&T, join our Facebook group.

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Try our combined Art and DT curriculum

Our Combined Art and D&T Long-term plan is designed for schools that alternate between the subjects every half term.

It suggests the most suitable combination of units from the Kapow Primary schemes to fulfil the national curriculum requirements for Art and D&T.

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What others say...

We are currently using DT and Art and we absolutely love it as it has all the resources we need. I also love the teacher and pupil videos as they demonstrate the best way to tackle the project. After our Art and DT team have completed pupil voice, they have come to the conclusion that the children have improved their knowledge of both subjects and are enjoying far more than when we were not using KAPOW.

EdTech Impact

Zamzam Elmi, Little Ealing Primary School

“Delivers high-quality, fun DT with all the planning, resources and assessment tools done for you.”

Jackie Tose, Crawford Village School

“My staff love teaching the Kapow units, from a leader’s point of view it is excellent value for money, and the children really enjoy the units.”

Shield Row Primary

“We love Kapow Primary. It’s great for our pupils offering an inclusive approach through both support and challenge at a pace that maintains high levels of engagement and enables all children to be successful. It’s great for our teachers, supporting them with subject knowledge and planning and delivering high-quality lessons, which is all great for work-life balance and wellbeing.


In a small school where teachers are subject leaders for a number of subjects, the Kapow progression and mapping documents are very helpful and make the job of monitoring much easier. Finally, we love the spreadsheet that tells us what resources and equipment we need for each unit and calculates the cost….. as I said, we love everything about Kapow Primary!”

Amanda Smithson – Castlemorton CE Primary

“The teacher videos are invaluable for those of us who are not subject specialists. I feel reassured that learning is sequential and relevant for each year group. The mixed-age planning and the ability to alternate with art on a half-termly basis while still covering all national curriculum requirements has been a godsend. The range of topics has allowed us to incorporate them into our bespoke thematic curriculum approach. Many thanks KAPOW!”

Jane Charlton, Horwich Parish CE School

Assistant Headteacher

“Well-planned and clear progression, it is easy to see the connections made between the year groups. Lessons are ambitious and engaging for the children. Teacher and child videos are very useful and have been critical to raising staff confidence in delivering DT lessons. Lesson resources are useful and ready to print as necessary. Assessments are used as pre-assessment before topic and are useful to highlight vocabulary and knowledge areas to focus on.


Thank you for helping me feel more confident as a DT subject lead and teacher. Kapow has really thought about the subject, skills and progression. The children are achieving more than they ever have and are so much more enthused by the subject.”

Gemma – St Eanswythe’s Primary School

We have just bought into Kapow and it has been so easy to put it into our school. Everything is there that you need and its brilliant to help teachers gain confidence with skills they may have not taught previously. Resource lists for everything you need, all lesson plans are all there and easy to follow.

Sarah Elmes, Woodhouse Community School

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