Learning objective

  • To construct a moving picture.

Success criteria

  • I can make a moving storybook with a

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Before the lesson


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Lesson plan

Recap and recall

Arrange the children in pairs and display the Presentation: Agree or disagree? Read the slide and ask the pairs to decide if they agree or disagree. Allow time for paired discussion.


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Adaptive teaching

Pupils needing extra support:

Could have their steps recorded for them to tick off; could use the Activity: Storybook page template and the Activity: Storybook moving parts template to aid the construction process; could work together as a group supported by an adult to make a shared moving storybook.

Pupils working at greater depth:

Should consider the length of their mechanisms so that they do not bump into each other if they have more than one moving part in each image; should use thin pieces of card to make bridges or guides to restrict the movement of the slider and prevent it from wobbling during an up-and-down movement.


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Assessing progress and understanding

Pupils with secure understanding indicated by: assembling a moving storybook which meets


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Vocabulary definitions

  • assemble

    To fix all parts together.

  • design criteria

    A set of instructions for the project.


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