Learning objective

  • To apply finishing techniques by decorating a pull-along toy.

Success criteria

  • I can choose the best material

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National curriculum

Design and technology




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Before the lesson


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Lesson plan

Recap and recall

Arrange the class into the same groups of three from Lesson 1: Wheels and hand out their pull-along toy and their Activity: Design template from Lesson 4: Designing a pull-along toy. Display slide 2 of the Presentation: The User, which shows a tick list of design criteria for their pull-along toy.


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Adaptive teaching

Pupils needing extra support:

Could decorate their toy using pipe cleaner hair and a marker pen (no gluing required); could be assisted by the teacher with a hot glue gun to stick on their decorations.

Pupils working at greater depth:

Should evaluate the safety and material choice used for their toy; should update their design with improvements (in particular a second set of wheels to prevent the toy from falling).


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Assessing progress and understanding

Pupils with secure understanding indicated by: choosing the best


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Vocabulary definitions

  • evaluate

    To look at the product carefully and decide what is liked and disliked about it.

  • product

    Something that is made to be used or enjoyed by people.


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