*New* Structures: Constructing a windmill

Making a windmill to meet design criteria.

Please note

This unit introduces a new windmill design for a new client, which the children will construct to meet updated design criteria. The Archived unit: Structures: Constructing a windmill will no longer be updated.

Lesson plans

Lesson 1: Windmills

  • To create a stable structure.

Lesson 2: Making the sails

  • To use tools and equipment accurately to make part of a structure.

Lesson 3: Attaching the sails

  • To join parts of a structure.

Lesson 4: Evaluating windmills

  • To evaluate a structure.

Key skills

  • Finding the middle of

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Key knowledge

To know:

  • That the sails

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Key vocabulary




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Related content

Design and technology

Knowledge organiser- D&T Y1: Constructing windmills

A pupil-facing summary document, capturing the key learning from this Year 1 Structures: Constructing a windmill unit.

Design and technology

Vocabulary display: Structures: Constructing a windmill

A display version of the key vocabulary from the Constructing a windmill unit.

Subject resources


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