Learning objective

  • To create a working pulley system and explain its function.

Success criteria

  • I can use

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National curriculum

Design and technology


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Before the lesson

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Lesson plan

Recap and recall

Hand out whiteboards and pens (one each). Display slide 1 of the Presentation: Keyword and ask a volunteer to drag the magnifying glass to find the keyword. Continue to slide 2 and ask the children to complete at least three instructions.

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Adaptive teaching

Pupils needing extra support:

Could use the handy hints (on slide 5 of the Presentation: Design brief for a pulley system) to help them create their pulley system; could use the diagrams of pulleys on the Knowledge organiser to help them design their pulley system.

Pupils working at greater depth:

Could draw a design to motorise their pulley by adding a motor using their understanding of circuits from the unit D&T, Year 4, Electrical systems: Torches.

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Assessing progress and understanding

Pupils with secure understanding indicated by: using a design brief

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Vocabulary definitions

  • pulley

    A wheel with a groove and a rope or belt that fits into the groove.

  • pulley system

    One or multiple pulleys used to reduce the effort needed to lift or move an object.

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