Learning objective

  • To conduct market research to discover useful tasks an eco-gadget bike could perform.

Success criteria

  • I can write

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Before the lesson

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Lesson plan

Recap and recall

Display the Presentation: Agree or disagree? and select a volunteer to read the statement.

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Adaptive teaching

Pupils needing extra support: 

Should use the handy hints on slide 2 of the Presentation: Eco-gadget bike project to help them write their market research questions; could use slide 3 of the Presentation: Eco-gadget bike problem statement to structure their problem statements by selecting the appropriate options and completing the sentence starters; should use the questions from the tally chart to help them complete their competitor research.

Pupils working at greater depth: 

Should analyse the information on the link: Rock the bike USPs and create a list in their books of the competitor USPs (unique selling points); should create a user persona based on themselves as a potential buyer of the eco-gadget bike (using slide 8 from the Presentation: Eco-gadget bike project as a guide).

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Assessing progress and understanding

Pupils with secure understanding indicated by: writing a problem statement;

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Vocabulary definitions

  • market research

    Gathering information from a target audience.

  • problem statement

    Details the problem's context, target audience, why it is important to solve and any constraints involved.

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