Learning objective
- To assemble the automata frame components and supports with the help of an exploded diagram.
Success criteria
- I can assemble a product with the support
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National curriculum
Design and technology
Pupils should be
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Cross-curricular links
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Before the lesson
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Lesson plan
Recap and recall
Display the Presentation: 3, 2, 1 and hand each child a whiteboard and pen.
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Extended-mode explainer videos
How to extend your display to view the lesson page and preseantion mode simultaneously. Choose your operating system below to watch the video
If you need further support with extending your display,
please contact [email protected].
Extended-mode explainer video: For Mac
Extended-mode explainer video: For Windows
Adaptive teaching
Pupils needing extra support
Could be given a breakdown of the assembly into smaller stages; could be provided with the Resource: Automata design idea example to support them in generating ideas; could be shown slide 2 of the Presentation: Automata design ideas to support them in realising a particular set of design criteria.
Pupils working at greater depth
Should continue working independently within their pair from Lesson 1: Making a frame; could take on the role of workshop assistant if they finish ahead of time to assist their peers; should add detailed annotations to their design ideas.
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Assessing progress and understanding
Pupils with secure understanding indicated by: partially assembling their frame
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Vocabulary definitions
assembly diagram
An exploded view diagram of an object that shows you how to construct an object or the order of assembly of various parts.
A person or company who receives a service from a professional (such as a designer).
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