Learning objective
- To know how to respond to adults in a safe and familiar context.
Success criteria
- I know who works in my school.
- I understand
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Statutory guidance
Being safe
Pupils should
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Cross-curricular links
British values
- Mutual respect.
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Before the lesson
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Lesson plan
Attention grabber
Play the game, ‘Guess who?’ with the class. It is important for this activity that the children know the names of the people who work in school, and not just their role. If possible, have available photos of the people working in your school. Give the class a clue about a person who works in…
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Extended-mode explainer videos
How to extend your display to view the lesson page and preseantion mode simultaneously. Choose your operating system below to watch the video
Adaptive teaching
For pupils needing extra support:
Have photos of people who work in school before for the ‘Guess who?’ game; show them a visitor and staff badge; ask the school secretary to explain how they sign in visitors.
Pupils working at greater depth:
Should be challenged to explain the importance of being polite and confident in potentially tricky situations, for example where they have to question an adult about something they do not understand or what they are doing in school.
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Assessing progress and understanding
Pupils with secure understanding indicated by: Knowing a number of
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Vocabulary definitions
Someone who is fully grown.
The work a person does.
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