Y3/4 (A): Lesson 4: In the style of the French artist, Matisse

Pupils follow a set of written instructions in French to create their own animal collage in the style of Matisse.

Learning objective

  • To create an original piece of artwork in the style of Matisse
  • To follow instructions in French

National curriculum


Pupils should be taught to:

  • Present ideas and information orally.
  • Broaden vocabulary using a dictionary.

See link: National curriculum - Languages - Key stage 2.

Success criteria

Cross-curricular links

Before the lesson

Attention grabber

Main event


Pupils needing extra support: Provide visual clues and actions throughout the activity to support understanding.

Pupils working at greater depth: Challenge children to label their finished picture using words or phrases that they have learned previously such as shape and colour. They may be able to give their picture a title using a newly learnt word, eg c’est un serpent rouge et vert – it’s a red and green snake.

Wrapping up

During the week

  • Continue practising your greetings and feelings vocabulary from ‘French, Year 3, French greetings with puppets’ as you take the register at each end of the day.
  • Display your Matisse gallery in a corridor or hall – ask visitors to spot the animals.
  • Use the animal names for a mime game. Do a mime and ask: Qu’est-ce que c’est ?
  • Create your own list of animal names to share and display as a class word bank (with Matisse pictures to illustrate).
  • Choose one child to share their work each day and describe which shapes they have used.
  • Matisse or not? Show a series of French artwork pieces by various artists (Matisse,  Seurat, Monet, Degas, etc). The children have to decide if it is Monet: oui or non.

Assessing pupils' progress and understanding


Created by:
Belinda Dean,  
French specialist
Belinda has been a French and Spanish teacher based in Bath for more than 15 years. She has delivered a range of courses for teachers and PGCE students and is particularly passionate about weaving language, culture and global learning across…
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