Y5/6: Clothes - getting dressed in France (Cycle A)

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Y5/6 Lesson 1 (Cycle A): Clothes in French

To recognise and use vocabulary relating to clothing

Y5/6 Lesson 2 (Cycle A): Clothes and colours in French

To add colour adjectives, adapting the suffix in accordance with gender

Y5/6 Lesson 3 (Cycle A): Where do adjectives go in French?

To understand adjectival position and agreement for gender and number

Y5/6 Lesson 4 (Cycle A): A French clothes catalogue

To express an opinion (like/dislike)

Y5/6 Lesson 5 (Cycle A): What is our French model wearing?

To describe an outfit using adjectives correctly

Key skills

Year 5

  • Asking and answering

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Key knowledge

  • To understand adjectival position

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Key vocabulary

un - a (masc)

une - a (fem)

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Unit resources

Assessment French Y5/6 (Cycle A): Clothes – Getting dressed in France

Assessment resources for this unit. Use

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Knowledge organiser

A summary document containing key vocabulary

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Key vocabulary

A display version of the key

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Subject resources

French: Long-term plans

A suggested order for teaching French

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National curriculum mapping

This National curriculum mapping document shows

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French: Pupil progression of skills

Progression documents showing how skills and

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Equipment list

A list of suggested resources for

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Condensed Assessment

An assessment spreadsheet for French including

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