Learning objective

  • To learn and apply strategies for working out the meaning of new language.

Success criteria

  • I can apply phonic knowledge to pronounce new

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National curriculum


Pupils should be


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Before the lesson


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Lesson plan

Attention grabber

Optional – provide each child with a copy of the Knowledge catcher (see link: Assessment – French Y5/Y6: Transport) and ask them to complete it to the best of their ability. Explain that at the end of the unit, they will revisit it, adding more information in a different colour.   The theme of this…


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Adaptive teaching

Pupils needing extra support

Could use the Resource: French transport language detectives during the dictionary task to look for familiar words and match them to the relevant images, and also during the sound count task to check the spelling of the sounds they hear; could use illustrated dictionaries and refer to the page on transport. 

Pupils working at greater depth

Could try to pronounce new words in French based on their knowledge of sounds and the pronunciation indications in the dictionary; could identify links between French and English in words such as avion-aviation; marin-marine to link sous-marin to submarine.



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Assessing progress and understanding

Pupils with secure understanding indicated by: recognising which nouns are cognates or


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Vocabulary and translations

  • un autobus

    a bus

  • un avion

    an aeroplane/ a plane


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Belinda Dean

French specialist

Image Specialists 10
Belinda has been a French and Spanish teacher based in Bath for more than 15 years. She has delivered a range of courses for teachers and PGCE students and is particularly passionate about weaving language, culture and global learning across the curriculum. Having…
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Image Specialists 10

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