Learning objective
- To ask and answer questions about different countries in the French-speaking world.
Success criteria
- I can ask and
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National curriculum
Pupils should be taught to:
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Cross-curricular links
Locational knowledge
Pupils should be taught
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Before the lesson
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Lesson plan
Recap and recall
Display the Presentation: Using the Knowledge organiser and hand out the Resource: Knowledge organiser: French-speaking world (one between two). Working in pairs, explain that the children should use the Knowledge organiser to create questions for their partner to answer.
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Extended-mode explainer videos
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Extended-mode explainer video: For Mac
Extended-mode explainer video: For Windows
Adaptive teaching
Pupils needing extra support:
Could choose which country they would like to visit using the phrase: Je voudrais visiter + [country name] – I would like to visit + [country name]; could look at the fact file to read and identify the country name, population and places of interest and discuss them in English.
Pupils working at greater depth:
Should use the back page of the passport to explain which destination they would choose to visit and why, e.g. Je voudrais visiter la France parce qu’il fait chaud en juillet et il y a la Tour Eiffel – I would like to visit France because it is hot in July and there is the Eiffel Tower.
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Assessing progress and understanding
Pupils with secure understanding indicated by: using the prompts to
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Quel est le nom du pays ?
What is the country called?
Quelle est la population ?
What is the population?
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In this unit
Assessment - French Y5/6 (A): Exploring the French-speaking world
Y5/6 (A): Lesson 2: Where in the world is French spoken?
Y5/6 (A): Lesson 1: Directions in French
Y5/6 (A): Lesson 3: Treasures of the French-speaking world
Y5/6 (A): Lesson 4: Investigating climate in the French-speaking world
Y5/6 (A): Lesson 5: French globetrotters