*Updated* French sport and the Olympics

Using different forms of verbs to do or play sports and expressing preferences. Revisiting country names and exploring the verb 'aller' - to go.


Lesson 1: Sports in French

  • To express playing a sport using the correct verb and preposition.

Lesson 2: Olympian opinions

  • To express sporting preferences using an opinion verb, a second verb and an adjective.

Lesson 3: France – ready to go!

  • To express travel plans using the verb aller.

Lesson 4: A French sporting week

  • To create sentences for a sports diary including opinion verbs, second verbs and adjectives.

Lesson 5: The French Olympic Games

  • To create a description using familiar language, a wide range of vocabulary and grammatical structures.

Key skills

Language comprehension

  • Listening

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Key knowledge


  • To know

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Key vocabulary

le sport

je joue

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Unit resources

Assessment – French: French sport and the Olympics

Assessment resources for this unit. Use

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Knowledge organiser

A single-page summary document for pupils'

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Key vocabulary

A display version of the key

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Subject resources

French: Long-term plans

A suggested order for teaching French

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National curriculum mapping

This National curriculum mapping document shows

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French: Pupil progression of skills

Progression documents showing how skills and

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Curriculum planningKnowledge and skills progression

The key skills and knowledge covered

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Equipment list

A list of suggested resources for

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An assessment spreadsheet for French including

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Explaining how our French curriculum helps

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Curriculum planning

Guidance for how to implement Kapow

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