Geography: Key stage 1

  • What is it like here?
  • How does the weather affect us?
  • What is it like to live in Shanghai?
  • Would you prefer to live in a hot or a cold place?
  • Why is our natural world wonderful?
  • What is it like to live by the coast?

How it works

To ensure a coherent approach to the progression of skills and knowledge in KS1 for the Geography scheme of work, it is best to follow the units in the order set out.

The national curriculum organises the attainment targets for Geography under:

  • Locational knowledge.
  • Place knowledge.
  • Human and physical geography.
  • Geographical skills and fieldwork.

These strands run through each and every unit in the scheme.  If you decide to adapt or omit a unit use

Geography: National curriculum mapping to ensure you to do not leave any gaps in your coverage.

Useful resources

Geography songs and interviews

Geography in Action - Mike Leach (part 1)
Geography in Action - Mike Leach (part 2)
Geography in Action - Mike Leach (part 3)
Geography song: Continents
Song about the Oceans
Geography song: Compass directions
Geography song: Directional language
UK capitals song in Kapow Geography
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