Learning objective

  • To present findings on how people use the local coast.

Success criteria

  • I can discuss the types of

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National curriculum


 Geographical skills and fieldwork

Pupils should


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Before the lesson


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Lesson plan

Recap and recall

Display the Presentation: Brain dump and use the activity to recap key learning from the previous lesson.


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Adaptive teaching

Pupils needing extra support

Could work on an enlarged A3 version of the Activity: Pictogram; may place counters on the pictogram instead of drawing.

Pupils working at greater depth

Should use the Activity: Pictogram: extension version; could decide how to present data, e.g. in a pictogram or bar chart.


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Assessing progress and understanding

Pupils with secure understanding indicated by: summarising the types of


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Vocabulary definitions

  • data collection

    Gathering information, which can be used to answer questions or spot patterns.

  • fieldwork

    Collecting data outside of the classroom to answer an enquiry question.


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