Y1/2 (A): What can you see at the coast?

Use this unit hub to inform your medium-term plan and to navigate to related resources all in line with the KS1 Geography curriculum. This is a variant of our Year 2, What is it like to live by the coast? unit, which has been selected for mixed-age teaching.


Y1/2 (A): Lesson 1: What are some of the UK’s amazing features and landmarks?

  • To identify geographical characteristics of the UK.

Y1/2 (A): Lesson 2: Where are the seas and oceans surrounding the UK?

  • To locate the seas and oceans surrounding the UK. 

Y1/2 (A): Lesson 3: What is the coast?

  • To explain what the coast is.

Y1/2: Lesson 4 (Cycle A): How do people use our local coast? (Data collection)

  • To investigate how people use the local coast.

Y1/2: Lesson 5 (Cycle A): How do people use our local coast? (Findings)

  • To present findings on how people use the local coast.

Y1/2: Lesson 6 (Cycle A): Where are our oceans?

  • To know the names of the five oceans and locate them on a map.

Key skills

  • Showing on

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Key knowledge

  • To know

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Key vocabulary

aerial photograph

capital city

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Unit resources

Assessment – Geography Y 1/2 (Cycle A): What can you see at the coast?

Assessment resources for this unit. Use

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Knowledge organiser: Geography – Y1/2 What can you see at the coast?

Aimed at pupils, a single page

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Key vocabulary

A display version of the key

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Subject resources

Policy support

This document outlines the intent and

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Mixed-age Long-term plan

A mixed-age version of our

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National curriculum mapping

Showing each of the National curriculum's

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Geography: Pupil progression of skills

Progression documents showing how skills and

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A downloadable spreadsheet to record teacher

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Equipment list

A list of essential and optional

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This document shows schools how our

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