Geography: Mixed-age Year 3/4
LKS2 Geography lessons tailored to the requirements of a mixed-age setting.
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Year 3/4 Cycle A
Developing an understanding of biomes, ecosystems and tropics; mapping features of the Amazon rainforest and learning about its layers; investigating how communities in Manaus use the Amazon’s resources; discussing the global human impact on the Amazon; and carrying out fieldwork to compare and contrast two types of forest.
Lesson 5 involves fieldwork.
Lessons: 6
View lessonsChildren learn that the Earth is constructed in layers, and the crust is divided into tectonic plates. They study the formation and distribution of mountains, volcanoes and earthquakes and use Mount Etna to identify how human interaction shapes a volcanic landscape.
Lesson 6 involves fieldwork.
Lessons: 6
View lessonsLooking at the distribution of the world’s biomes and mapping food imports from around the world; learning about trading fairly, focusing on Côte d’Ivoire and cocoa beans; exploring where the food for the children’s school dinners comes from and the argument of ‘local versus global’.
Lesson 5 involves fieldwork.
Lessons: 6
View lessonsYear 3/4 Cycle B
Learning about how latitude and longitude link to climate and the physical and human features of polar regions with links to the explorer, Shackleton.
Lesson 6 involves fieldwork.
Lessons: 6
View lessonsExploring different types of settlements, land use, and the difference between urban and rural. Children describe the different human and physical features in their local area and make land use comparisons with New Delhi.
Lesson 3 involves fieldwork.
Lessons: 6
View lessonsLearning about rivers; their place in the water cycle, the name and location of major rivers and how they are used.
Lesson 6 involves fieldwork.
Lessons: 6
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