Geography: Mixed-age
Geography lessons tailored to the requirements of a mixed-age setting.
How it works
The mixed-age units follow a Cycle A and Cycle B format to ensure progression of skills for children across the age range.
Year 1/2
Cycle A
Cycle B
Y1/2 (A): What is it like here?
(6 lessons)
In line with the KS1 Geography curriculum, in this unit, children are locating where they live on an…
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Y1/2 (A): What is the weather like in the UK?
(6 lessons)
Looking at the countries and cities that make up the UK, keeping a daily weather record and finding…
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Y1/2 (A): What can you see at the coast?
(6 lessons)
Naming and locating continents and oceans of the world while revisiting countries and cities of the UK and…
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Y1/2 (B): Where am I?
(6 lessons)
Locating the countries of the UK on a map, recognising features within the school grounds. Using directional language…
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Y1/2 (B): Would you prefer to live in a hot or cold place?
(6 lessons)
Introducing children to the basic concept of climate zones and mapping out hot and cold places globally. Looking…
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Y1/2 (B): What is it like to live in Shanghai?
(6 lessons)
Using a world map to start recognising continents, oceans and countries outside the UK with a focus on…
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Year 3/4
Cycle A
Cycle B
Y3/4 (A): Why do people live near volcanoes?
(6 lessons)
Children learn that the Earth is constructed in layers, and the crust is divided into tectonic plates. They…
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Y3/4 (A): Why are rainforests important to us?
(6 lessons)
Developing an understanding of biomes, ecosystems and tropics; mapping features of the Amazon rainforest and learning about its…
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Y3/4 (A): Where does our food come from?
(6 lessons)
Looking at the distribution of the world’s biomes and mapping food imports from around the world; learning about…
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Y3/4 (B): Who lives in Antarctica?
(6 lessons)
Learning about how latitude and longitude link to climate and the physical and human features of polar regions…
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Y3/4 (B): Are all settlements the same?
(6 lessons)
Exploring different types of settlements, land use, and the difference between urban and rural. Children describe the different…
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Y3/4 (B): What are rivers and how are they used?
(6 lessons)
Learning about rivers; their place in the water cycle, the name and location of major rivers and how…
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Year 5/6
Cycle A
Cycle B
Y5/6 (A): What is life like in the Alps?
(6 lessons)
Considering the climate of mountain ranges and why people choose to visit the Alps; focusing on Innsbruck and…
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Y5/6 (A): Would you like to live in the desert?
(6 lessons)
Exploring hot desert biomes and learning about the physical features of a desert and how humans interact with…
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Y5/6 (A): Where does our energy come from?
(6 lessons)
Learning about renewable and non-renewable energy sources, where they come from and their impact on society, the economy…
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Y5/6 (B): Why does population change?
(6 lessons)
Investigating why certain parts of the world are more populated than others; exploring birth and death rates; discussing…
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Y5/6 (B): Why do oceans matter?
(6 lessons)
Exploring the importance of our oceans and how they have changed over time with a focus on the…
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Y5/6 (B): Can I carry out an independent fieldwork enquiry?
(6 lessons)
Observing, measuring, recording and presenting their own fieldwork study of the local area. Lesson 4 involves fieldwork.
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Geography videos
Geography in Action - Mike Leach (part 1)
Geography in Action - Mike Leach (part 2)
Geography in Action - Mike Leach (part 3)
Geography song: Continents
Song about the Oceans
Geography song: Directional language
UK capitals song in Kapow Geography
Geography song: Compass directions
Geography song: UK Seas