Unit outcomes
Pupils who are secure will be able to:
- Locate the Alps on a world map and identify and label the eight countries they spread through.
- Locate three physical and three human characteristics in the Alps.
- Research and describe the physical and human features of Innsbruck.
- Use a variety of data collection methods including completing a questionnaire, mapping their route and recording their findings in sketches or photographs.
- Compare the human and physical geography of their local area and Innsbruck.
- Describe at least four of the key aspects of the human and physical geography of the Alps to answer the enquiry question, ‘What is life like in the Alps?’
Lesson 4 involves fieldwork in a local urban environment. It is important to risk-assess the proposed route taking into account any relevant school risk assessment policies and procedures. Refer to the Before the lesson section in Lesson 4 to prepare for this lesson. Please be aware this lesson may take longer than 1 hour.
Lessons 2, 3 and 5 require a device (one between two).
Suggested prior learning
Y3/4 (B): What are rivers and how are they used?
Get startedLessons
Y5/6 (A): Lesson 1: Where are the Alps?
Y5/6 (A): Lesson 2: What is it like in the Alps?
Y5/6 (A): Lesson 3: Why do people visit the Alps?
Y5/6 (A): Lesson 4: What is there to do in our local area?
Y5/6 (A): Lesson 5: How are the Alps different from our local area?
Y5/6 (A): Lesson 6: What is life like in the Alps?
Key skills
- Locating more
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Key knowledge
- To know the name
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Key vocabulary
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Unit resources
Assessment – Geography Y5/6 (A): What is life like in the Alps?
Assessment resources for this unit. Use
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Y5/6: Life in the alps knowledge organiser
A 2-page summary of key information
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Y5/6: Life in the alps vocabulary display
A display version of the vocabulary
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Subject resources
Policy support
This document outlines the intent and
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Geography: Long-term plans
A collection of documents providing a
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National curriculum mapping
Showing each of the National curriculum's
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Geography: Pupil progression of skills
Progression documents showing how skills and
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A downloadable spreadsheet to record teacher
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Equipment list
A list of essential and optional
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This document shows schools how our
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Cross-curricular opportunities
Science: Rocks
English: Spoken language, writing – composition
British values: Mutual respect, individual liberty