How was school different in the past?

This unit hub can be used to inform your medium-term plan and to navigate to related resources.


Lesson 1: Were schools different in the past?

  • To find out how schools have changed over time.

Lesson 2: How have schools changed within living memory?

  • To investigate what school was like in the past.

Lesson 3: How were schools different in the 1900s?

  • To investigate what schools were like in the 1900s.

Lesson 4: How have schools changed?

  • To compare a modern classroom with a classroom 100 years ago.

Lesson 5: What is similar and different about schools now and in the past?

  • To compare three periods of time.

Lesson 6: Would you prefer to have gone to school in the past?

  • To express a personal response to history.

Key skills

  • Sequencing up to six

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Key knowledge

  • To know a decade

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Key vocabulary

beyond living memory

living memory


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Knowledge organiser – History Y2: How was school different in the past?

Aimed at pupils, a single page document that gives key facts and definitions from the 'How was school different in…


Vocabulary display: How was school different in the past?

A display version of the vocabulary from the unit 'How was school different in the past?'.

Subject resources


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