*New* What was important to ancient Egyptians?

Use this unit hub to inform your medium-term plan and to navigate to related resources.

Please note

This new unit for 2024/25 includes a new overview of ancient civilisations and greater opportunities for the children to explore sources from ancient Egypt to deepen their understanding. The Archived unit: What did the ancient Eqyptians believe? will no longer be updated.

Teacher video 'What was important to ancient Egyptians?'


Lesson 1: Where and when did the first civilisations appear?

  • To develop questioning skills using sources about ancient civilisations.

Lesson 2: Why was the River Nile so important to ancient Egyptians?

  • To explain the significance of the River Nile to ancient Egyptian civilisation.

Lesson 3: How do we know so much about ancient Egyptians?

  • To evaluate the importance of ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics.

Lesson 4: What do sources suggest about religious beliefs in ancient Egypt?

  • To use a range of sources to explore the importance of gods and goddesses in ancient Egypt.

Lesson 5: What did people in Ancient Egypt believe happened after death?

  • To investigate beliefs about the afterlife in Ancient Egypt.

Lesson 6: Who ruled ancient Egypt and what happened to them when they died?

  • To evaluate continuity and change by identifying what happened to the pharaohs when they died.

Key skills

  • Sequencing events on a

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Key knowledge

  • To know

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Key vocabulary




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Knowledge organiser – History Y3: What was important to ancient Egyptians?

Aimed at pupils, two pages providing key facts and definitions from the unit ‘What was important to ancient Egyptians?’.


Vocabulary display: What was important to ancient Egyptians?

A display version of the vocabulary from the unit ‘What was important to ancient Egyptians?'


Key vocabulary display: History – LKS2

Subject resources


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