History: Mixed-age
History lessons tailored to the requirements of a mixed-age setting.
How it works
The mixed-age units follow a Cycle A and Cycle B format to ensure progression of skills for children across the age range.
Year 1/2
Cycle A
Cycle B
Y1/2 (A): How am I making history?
(6 lessons)
Looking at personal chronology and finding out about the past within living memory. By examining photographs and asking…
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Y1/2 (A): How have toys changed?
(6 lessons)
Sequencing toys into a physical timeline, children investigate artefacts from the past and begin to pose questions. They…
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Y1/2 (A): How did we learn to fly?
(6 lessons)
Developing their knowledge of events beyond living memory and reinforcing their chronological understanding by looking at significant events…
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Y1/2 (B): What is history?
(6 lessons)
Looking at personal chronology and finding out about the past within living memory. By examining photographs and asking…
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Y1/2 (B): How was school different in the past?
(6 lessons)
Understanding that although schools have been in the local area for a long time, they have not always…
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Y1/2 (B): What is a monarch?
(6 lessons)
Finding out the role of a monarch, children compare the monarchy today with the monarchy in the past.…
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Year 3/4
Cycle A
Cycle B
Y3/4 (A): British history 1: Would you prefer to have lived in the Stone, Bronze or Iron Age?
(6 lessons)
Looking at the chronology of mankind, children are introduced to Britain’s story. They use archaeological evidence to find…
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*New* Y3/4 (A): British history 2: Why did the Romans invade and settle in Britain?
(6 lessons)
Investigating why the Romans invaded Britain and the reaction of the Celts; learning how the Romans changed life…
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*New* Y3/4 (A): British history 3: How hard was it to invade and settle in Britain?
(6 lessons)
Developing an understanding of why people invaded and settled, learning about Anglo-Saxon beliefs and the spread of Christianity…
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Y3/4 (B): How have children’s lives changed?
(6 lessons)
Investigating the changes in children’s lives through time, children learn how children’s spare time, health and work have…
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Y3/4 (B): What did the Ancient Egyptians believe?
(6 lessons)
Finding out about Egyptian beliefs, children make inferences about beliefs about the afterlife using primary sources. They investigate…
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New for 24/25: Y3/4 (B): How did the achievements of the ancient Maya impact their society and beyond?
(6 lessons)
Through the observation and analysis of artefacts, children scrutinise Maya settlement strategies in rainforests, the cultural significance of…
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Year 5/6
Cycle A
Cycle B
New for 24/25 Y5/6 (A): British history 4: Were the Vikings raiders, traders or something else?
(6 lessons)
Investigating what the Vikings were really like, creating a Viking trade route game, writing their version of a…
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*New* Y5/6 (A): British history 5: What was life like in Tudor England?
(6 lessons)
Discovering the Tudor dynasty; exploring the use of portraits, progresses and punishment; examining how monarchs exercised absolute power;…
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Y5/6 (A): *Updated* British History 6: What was the impact of World War 2 on the people of Britain?
(6 lessons)
Investigating the causes and causes of the events leading to WW2; learning from oral histories about the Battle…
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*New* Y5/6 (B): What can the census tell us about local areas?
(6 lessons)
Investigating local histories from the Victorian to the inter-war period, children explore census records. They learn about the…
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Y5/6 (B): What did the Greeks ever do for us?
(6 lessons)
Investigating the city-states of Athens and Sparta to identify similarities and differences between them, learning about democracy and…
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