New for 2024/25: Were the Vikings traders, raiders or something else?

Use this unit hub to inform your medium-term plan.

Important note

This unit is new to Year 5 for 2024/25. Please see our History: Long-term plan for more information about recent updates to our scheme and how they may affect your school.


Lesson 1: When and why did the Vikings come to Britain?

  • To explain when and why the Vikings came to Britain.

Lesson 2: Were the Vikings raiders, traders or something else?

  • To evaluate Viking stereotypes using sources.

Lesson 3: Where did the Vikings go? How did they get there?

  • To investigate the importance of Viking trading routes.

Lesson 4: Why are there different Viking sagas explaining the same event and what does this tell us about the Vikings?

  • To compare different versions of Viking sagas and create a saga.

Lesson 5: What were the impacts of Viking raids and settlements on local communities in Britain?

  • To evaluate the impact of the Viking invasions and settlements on local communities in Britain using primary sources and case studies.


Lesson 6: What were the Vikings’ achievements and how did they impact the world?

  • To evaluate achievements of the Vikings.

Key skills

  • Exploring different representations from

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Key knowledge

  • To know that change

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Key vocabulary


balanced viewpoint

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Unit resources

Assessment: Were the Vikings raiders, traders or something else? (New for 2024/25)

Assessment resources for this unit. Use

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Knowledge organiser

History knowledge organiser to support the

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Subject resources

Policy support

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Long-term plan

A suggested order for teaching History

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National curriculum mapping

This document shows each of the

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Knowledge and skills progression

An overview of the skills and

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Key vocabulary

A document showing how vocabulary builds

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Curriculum planning Knowledge and skills progression

This downloadable document shows the key

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Mixed-age Assessment

A downloadable spreadsheet to record teacher

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