Learning objective
- To conduct an enquiry about my local area using the census.
Success criteria
- I can choose
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National curriculum
The national curriculum for history
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Cross-curricular links
Spoken language
Pupils should
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Before the lesson
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Lesson plan
Recap and recall
Display the Presentation: Agree or disagree.
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Extended-mode explainer videos
How to extend your display to view the lesson page and preseantion mode simultaneously. Choose your operating system below to watch the video
If you need further support with extending your display,
please contact [email protected].
Extended-mode explainer video: For Mac
Extended-mode explainer video: For Windows
Adaptive teaching
Pupils needing extra support
Could share their findings verbally; should use the Activity: A local area enquiry: support version to support the Main event.
Pupils working at greater depth
Should summarise what their given house suggests about the changes in the local area; could discuss what the history of the street can suggest about the history of Britain during that time.
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Assessing progress and understanding
Pupils with secure understanding indicated by: choosing an enquiry question
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Vocabulary definitions
Books or documents that list and describe places, including details like location, historical facts and population.
historical enquiry
The process of investigating the past by asking questions, examining sources and piecing together how things happened.
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In this unit
Assessment - History Y6: What can the census tell us about local areas?
Lesson 1: What is the census?
Lesson 2: What can we learn about Victorian children from the census?
Lesson 3: What does the census suggest about the jobs available in the 1800s?
Lesson 4: Why did some women refuse to fill out the census in 1911?
Lesson 5: What changed in the 1921 Census?
Lesson 6: Who lived in our local area in the past?