Unit 4: Indonesia (Instrumental lessons)
Discovering the features of gamelan music including the Slendro scale and cyclical rhythmic patterns, identifying traditional gamelan instruments, learning about the concept of an octave, exploring how different timbres are used in gamelan music
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- KS2 Whole-class instrumental lessons >
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Unit 4: Indonesia (Instrumental lessons)
Unit outcomes
Pupils who are secure will be able to:
- Recognise South African, Caribbean and South American musical styles when they hear this music. Even if the children cannot recall the specific information about the musical styles, it shows as much learning to identify the pieces because they ‘sound like’ the pieces they have been learning to play. For example, “I think it is salsa because it sounds like ‘Vamos, let’s go!’ shows an equal level of musical understanding as “I think it is calypso because of the political lyrics.”
- Use some music vocabulary to talk about what they have heard.
- Recall that gamelan music is cyclical, that the melodies last eight notes, and that the Slendro scale is used.
- Sing the ‘Blue sky’ melody with some accuracy.
- Mostly correctly answer Activity: Exploring octaves, and play.
- Compose an eight note tune using the Slendro scale, and write it down at different octaves.
- Define timbre, describe the timbres of different instruments, and make suggestions for how to combine these in a performance.
- Play their tuned percussion part accurately.
From September 2025, lessons within this unit will be updated to include a Recap and recall section and Kapow’s Presentation mode feature.
Suggested prior learning
Unit 3: South America (Instrumental lessons)
Get startedLessons
Lesson 1: Review of learning
To recall and describe key features of known musical genres
Lesson 2: Gamelan music
To understand the key features of gamelan music
Lesson 3: Exploring octaves
To understand the concept of an octave
Lesson 4: Cyclic patterns
To explore how cyclic patterns are used in gamelan music
Lesson 5: Finishing touches
To explore how different timbres can be combined to create an effect in gamelan music
Related content
Unit resources
Cross-curricular opportunities
Science: How sounds are made.