Music: Key Stage 1

Lesson plans and teacher videos to instill confidence in your teaching of Music.

Important note

Please note that the Year 1 and 2 units have been refreshed for 2024/25. The previous versions will remain accessible until the end of the 2025/26 academic year. For more details, refer to our Music: Long-term plan.

Useful resources for teaching Music

Choose your topic

We make teaching music simple with engaging lessons based on popular themes, from animals and seaside to to space and superheroes, all supported by teacher videos. We recommend you teach the units in the order they appear here. See our planning resources for further information.

Year 1

Year 2

Sample lessons

Sample lessons 1

KS1 teacher skills videos

Music teacher skills KS1 dynamics
Music teacher skills KS1 tempo
Music teacher skills KS1 pitch
Teacher skills video: Beat and rhythm
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