Children make links between music, sounds and environments and use percussion, vocal and body sounds to represent calm or stormy seas.
- Subjects >
- Music >
- Key stage 1 >
- Year 1 >
*NEW* Dynamics (Theme: Seaside)
Important note
In this new unit, children make links between music, sounds and environments and use percussion, vocal and body sounds to represent the seaside. The Archived unit: Vocal and body sounds (Theme: By the sea) will no longer be updated. Please see our Music: Long-term plan for more information about recent updates to our scheme and how they may affect your school.
Unit outcomes
Pupils who are secure will be able to:
- Use appropriate, justified movements to represent dynamics.
- Identify sounds within the music and describe them using adjectives.
- Recreate sounds using voice or body and extend ideas by adding dynamics.
- Create appropriate, original sounds with their voice and body.
- Use instruments to create loud and soft sounds.
- Justify instrument and sound choices.
- Follow instructions during a performance.
- Create and play a musical score that showcases understanding by using dynamic symbols.
Suggested prior learning
Lesson 1: Vocal and body sounds
- To understand how music can be used to represent an environment.
Lesson 2: Embodying the seaside
- To understand how music can represent changes in an environment.
Lesson 3: Musical treasure hunt
- To explore using instruments, body and voice to create a seaside soundscape.
Lesson 4: Seaside story
- To identify how dynamics can reflect environments.
Lesson 5: Seaside soundscape
- To create and represent sounds using symbols.
Key skills
Related content
Unit resources
Cross-curricular opportunities
English: Writing – vocabulary, grammar and punctuation, Spoken language.
Physical education.