Musical symbols
Children combine all the musical concepts learned throughout Year 1 for an underwater-themed performance incorporating instrumental, vocal and body sounds.
- Subjects >
- Music >
- Key stage 1 >
- Year 1 >
*NEW* Musical symbols (Theme: Under the sea)
Please note
In this new unit, the children combine all the musical concepts learned throughout Year 1 for an underwater-themed performance incorporating instrumental, vocal and body sounds. The Archived unit: Musical vocabulary (Theme: Under the sea) will no longer be updated. Please see our Music: Long-term plan for more information about recent updates to our scheme and how they may affect your school.
Unit outcomes
Pupils who are secure will be able to:
- Move to reflect a character.
- Create sounds to reflect a character
- Move at a speed that reflects the tempo of the audio.
- Respond to dynamic changes without prompting.
- Demonstrate a sound pattern correctly to a pulse.
- Sing and play high and low sounds.
- Read symbols representing high and low sounds correctly.
- Demonstrate an awareness of pitch, rhythm and dynamics within a performance and recognise the symbols representing these.
Suggested prior learning
Lesson 1: Showing tempo
- To explore tempo changes through movement.
Lesson 2: Exploring dynamics
- To explore how dynamics can be represented by different symbols.
Lesson 3: Rhythm
- To clap simple rhythmic patterns while keeping the pulse.
Lesson 4: Using pitch
- To interpret symbols to demonstrate a pitch pattern.
Lesson 5: Under the sea performance
- To perform as part of a group to demonstrate dynamics, pitch and rhythm.
Key skills
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Unit resources
Cross-curricular opportunities
Physical education